1255 Covington Road
Click and slide to reveal the Transformation!
BUDGET: $37,586


  • Cleaning:
  • Declutter/Dump runs:
  • Flooring:
  • Handyman Services:
  • Inspections:
  • Landscaping:
  • Painting:
  • Repairs:
  • Staging:
  • Supplies:
  • Atrium:
  • Appliances:
  • Tile Work:
  • TOTAL:

We got this listing after the owner had unfortunately passed away. She left behind an amazing collection of crystals, clothing, shoes, art, ceramics, and furniture. We brought in an estate salesman to handle the sale of the items and coordinate an auction for the crystal collection. Once the house was cleared, we went in an made numerous updates throughout the home. We refinished the floors, built a deck inside the center atrium to create an outdoor living space, brought in new appliances, painted the interior and exterior, made necessary repairs, cleaned and staged. When completed the house looked fresh, modern and ready for the market


Sold in 10 Days!